Thursday, February 7, 2013

32 Weeks

One of my pics from my maternity session with my talented best friend!

32 Weeks today! Where has the time gone? This pregnancy has flown by so quickly. I still feel very unprepared for our little guy. By unprepared I mean with “baby item stuff”. We do have the crib and diaper changer put up and Andrew installed the closet organizer.  Andrew and our awesome next-door neighbor Tom are going to install wood laminate in the hallway and living room since our little 4 pound dog decided to chew large holes in the carpet.

Knock on wood…but so far this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. No problems and baby is growing like he should be. I’m starting to get a little nervous about the big day. I’m not so much worried about the pain because I know it will be worth it, but I’m just worried about any type of complications, etc… But, I realize that worrying DOES NOT change the outcome of anything. 

I still can’t believe that in 8 weeks or so, we will be meeting our little miracle.  My emotions…(I’ll blame my hormones) have been on full force lately.  Just thinking about holding him makes me tear up. This little guy is something we have been waiting for and soon it’s going to happen.  Andrew and I are so blessed and excited for his arrival. 

Part of me will miss being pregnant. It’s going to be a little strange once he’s out and I won’t get to feel him moving around in my belly anymore. I keep wondering what color hair he will have/eyes, etc…

I thank God every day for our miracle and I continue to pray for those that are struggling with infertility. It’s not an easy journey…that is for sure…  I pray for my friends that have had pregnancy loss and for those that have yet to become pregnant. I wish I could take the hurt and pain away from them.

This is what I do know…as crazy as it may sound…I would not change a thing about my journey.  Infertility has taught me so much about hope, waiting, envy, strength, fear, and ultimately God's timing and plan. I know that because of my struggles, I will be a great mom. I think I would have been a good mom if it would have happened earlier...but now I know I'll be a great mom. 

I have been blessed with infertility. The struggles I have been through have shaped me to become a better wife, daughter, friend, mother, etc...  I won't ever forget the lessons I learned and am forever grateful for God's timing! 

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